Donnerstag, 8. April 2010

Hybrid Printing

If photographers calls their product "hybride photography", when mixing their analog und digital work, we can call this viewcard a "hybride print". The photo & prepress are made digital.
But then I've made three polymere-klischees for the colours – selected by Martin Amstutz – darkblue, cyan and orange-brown. Martin Amstutz (PostPost) printed them on his "Asbern" printer. Ah, before I forget, he also found this marvelles view of the habour of Calcutta, and the exciting "bling-bling" cartonboard (you cannot imagine the glimmer, looking on this humble scan)...
May be you'll ask, "for what did they made this big work (Martin printed 1.000 cards in 3 colours + the backside by hand)?"
...then take a look here.

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