Freitag, 3. April 2020

Kodak Vest Pocket

Kodak Vest Pocket
Yes,... this camera is 40 years older, then I am...
It is very nice, but we should not forget, that this is a "soldier-camera" from the 1st world-war.
I really cannot imagine, how men in such situation are able to put a film into the camera...
I had some problems with that and so, there was a light-leake on the first some pictures.
Nevertheless, some photos are well,... only on the top are some tracks, bad developing ?-(
The reason can be the circumstances of the developing-tank. It was the first time since 50 years, I need to pull the film. Usually I rotate the film-tank.
In the film (RERA 400) I found some pinholes... I hope this came from the brandnew developin-tank, not from the emulsion of the RERA...
left: 135er, rigkt: RERA 400 127er roll.
I think, now it is time to take a peek to one photo, made with the Vest Pocket:
Scan from a 4 by 6.5 cm negative of the Vest Pocket
At the end, a word about the costs: the film costs nearly the double prize of a 120er roll-film.
There are some tipps to cut a 120er roll into 127er roll, findable in the web.
I think about, to buy one of the new Ilford-Ortho-120er-rolls, to test this in the darkroom with red light. The ortho-film has no red-sensitive, so it is not good for people-photography, but good to use for architecture and landsscape.

It would be nice, if you drop some lines about your experiances with a Vest Pocket and, or 127er Films.

stay healthy