Samstag, 15. September 2018

Make Frames of Standard 8 & Super 8 Digital!

In connection with the Piccolo-Booklet Nr. 7 (last Post), I need to digitalize some pics from old Standard 8 / Super 8 movies.
At first I tried it with my expensive Epson-Perfection V800-Photo - Flatbed-Scanner...
I used 2400 dpi, the "real" physical solution. ...and was disappointed, but used the results.

Later I remembered an old trick, I used in analog times: putting the SLR under the Photo-Enlarger und beam the pic directly in the camera (without Objective, of course ;-)

So I tried this with my DSLR (Nikon D 5200).
For this you (your camera) needs:
• LiveView
• a turnable monitor
• Cable-Release / Self-Timer
If available:
• Camera HDR
This time I made it "quick&dirty": lay the camera-body on a block of wood, put the movie-strip into the negative-stage above. Turned off the room-light (is necessary to avoid side-light).

The yellow light-beam is a symbolic addition.
Below the both "scans". I've used only a part of the 24 MPix of the Nikon, 'cause I don'd need more for the print. If you use the whole chip, your 8mm pic becomes 24 MPix!

"Scanned"with Nikon D5200
Scanned with the Epson-Perfection

Mittwoch, 29. August 2018

Piccolo Heft 7: Meine ersten 10 Kameras / My 1st Ten Cameras

Here are the Links from this Piccolo Booklet:

MENSCHEN und ORTE / People and Places
• auch Forum für Fotografen/Modelle >
• mehr zum "Hipetuk"
• "DADhAnova", doch noch ein Filmdokument entdeckt
• "Schwarzer Engel"/SG, Schweiz
• „Hohen Weg“, Hildesheim
• Azriel Knight, Challenge 30 Days, 30 Kameras...
• Paketadresse für SchweizerIn in Deutschland/Konstanz, Infoblatt hier

KAMERAS / Cameras
Exa 1a

PICCOLO-HEFTE kaufen (St.Gallen)
• Anita Sonnabend, BasarBizarr
• Bobby Moor, XaoxArt 

Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2018

Next Step to 4x5"

Never I forgot the brand-name "Linhof". My teacher of photography (Umbau) talked about this professional cameras. We, his students, had to work with the "poor" Plaubel.
Now "Linhof" becomes reality for my.
As usually I combined a special version of the Linhof Technika V:

4x5" Linhof Technika V with Metz CT-45 Flash and ergonomic Handle

...a very nice combination of about 4,2 kg ;-)
The first photo I shot, was a "Lomo-Selfie", means, I didn't look though the view-finder.
I need to turn the camera 90°, so the camera-bank did not cover a part of the view.

Lomo-Selfie with the Technika
Next you'll find more about here in my blog...

Donnerstag, 25. Januar 2018

Cup-Lens, Modelpics

Finally I could take some photos from a friend, and a special model ;-)

18W Daylight, 1m distance, 80 Sec. exposure-time.

18w Daylight, 1m distance + av. Light trough the open door, 25 sec.

All photos are taken with a 9 x 12 cm Calumet on Multigrade Photo-Paper.
Negative scanned, reversed in positive and colored in Photoshop.